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Well, this is the test of the dungeon code by Saguaro.

The dungeon is generated randomly meanwhile the girls go more deep into it.

If you look to the cross at bottom, you can see how you can  advanced into the dungeon if the picture allow it, for example, if you have some rocks at left, you can't use the left option to advanced, if you have a door you can use a key or a explosive to destroy it.

Also, you always can leave if you click in the down triangle, is like the girls go out from the dungeon.

In the future versions of this we will have some random enemies and events and probably a transition fade and some sounds.

Let me know what do you think and if you have some idea to add.

As usual, thank you so much for you patience and support!


dungeon system test

Dungeon code test.


Abraham McNeil

It looks really awesome. Reminds me of the old Phantasy Star games on the Sega Genesis. Getting lost looks -really- easy without a map but that was also a big part of those old games - players had to make maps. Looking forward to the finished result!


WOW! At the moment I am loving what I see, good job Nik, my hype is through the clouds. I really want to play this game


That looks really great :D. With enemies and combat i was wondering, will losing drop you right to a game over screen/last save? Or will you get a few chances before an actual Game Over?


If you lose in the combat mode will be a game over. Glad you like it :)


That look cool :)


It's good


When this game be ready

Ronaldo garaway

Will there be a Android version

Andreas de Penz

End of next yeah? biggest project until yet? :D


Yes, but obviously I'll try to finish it as soon as possible, I dont wanna burn myself with this :P