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So once February rolls around, I’ll have been doing this whole Patreon thing for 5 years… which is a little mind blowing. For that reason I’ve been thinking of making some changes. There’s a few reasons I’ve been considering changing things, but mainly it’s to simplify the system for current Patrons and newcomers (in addition to making things more appealing to potential subscribers). I also think it might reduce how often I get burnt out (which seems to be far more than usual recently) as workload won't be as closely tied to a specific monthly output. 

The idea is to move to the “immediate charge” model with access to my entire back catalogue. So when an individual pledges they will be immediately charged (then monthly after that) and will gain access to current and past rewards corresponding the Tier they’ve pledged to. 

Here’s a breakdown of how it might work per Tier:

$1 Thank You Tier: Charged upon pledging (then monthly after that) > gain immediate access to past and present work in standard resolution

$4 Art Tier: Charged upon pledging (then monthly after that) > gain immediate access past and present work in high resolution

$7 Art Plus+ Tier: Charged upon pledging (then monthly after that) > gain immediate access past and present work in high resolution + alts/nsfw also in high resolution

$10 Art Plus Archive Tier: DISCONTINUED 

This is all still very hypothetical as it’s not a straight forward process to make these kind of changes here on Patreon. Also I’d give you all plenty of notice before actually going ahead with anything like this.

Let me know your thoughts (and apologies for the wall of text 😅)




Gregor Heiss

I think you might not get many permanent Patreons this way. If you open up your archive with the first plegde, you'll have many patreons checking out what they like in one big rush and then quit their pledge in the sam month.


This is something that is not lost on me. However a lot of my piers have adopted this model as an individual is charged immediately upon pledging. I've got to weigh up those pros/cons 🧐