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Hey all!

My Term 28 rewards are now available to purchase on Gumroad if you missed out or weren't able to pledge last month ☺️

Thanks for the support! 


April 2022 Term 28

Warning: Adult Content!Description:This contains everything from my Patreon Term 2824 images in totalHigh Resolution & Alternative/NSFWhttps://www.patreon.com/str4hl



Are the rewards something exclusive that you dont share on your patreon feed seperately?


Hi there! Yes, rewards are sent out via Patreon message at the beginning of the following month from which you pledge (once your pledge payment processes). Past rewards can be purchased on Gumroad. You can find a more detailed explanation of how everything works on the written section of my page :) Ps, my Patreon is paused at the moment so there will be no charges or rewards at the beginning of august :)