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After the experimental animation I had some time to think about how i wanted to structure how things would work from that point on. After the overwhelming praise and support i received on an animation (that was very bare bones and literally took only a day to build) It became pretty obvious to me what the next steps were when it came to improving my work and standing out amongst my piers. 

In regards to "Sussy Baka" Its definitely something i plan to finish after "Plz No Bully", the reason for "Sussy Baka" being pushed back is that I'm struggling on what the set should be and what the story behind it should consist of, I have a few ideas that will work PLUS i just don't see the point in Making single scene animations anymore. They're too easy and honestly I feel less and less passionate after every finished project, however that doesn't mean they're going away and will be instead used for a different purpose. 

As of right now "Plz No Bully" is 2:30 seconds long making it one of the more longer projects I've worked on but I'm very excited to see what you all think when it releases for Early Access. Its got Multiple Scenes, angles and will have a VA version when I send it off to Wubcake or Macstar depending on their ranges and current work load.

As for the One scene animations that are very easy for me to do nowadays. I'll be using them mainly on Twitter as Rewards for reaching Like/Retweet Goals. This in turn amplifies the likelihood of being widely shared while also giving back to those who show support despite now wanting to or are unable to pay for the content.

You've all been very Patient I'm just often worried you'll start thinking I've disappeared or that I'm loosing interest in animations which is not true, i just lost my passion for a while but have found it again thanks to this new way of doing things.

The Animation Process is also going to be changed to compensate for this new more edited and multiple scene orientated style. I'll focus purely on animation first, then set building then lighting. This will allow me to focus and make the best work possible in all areas rather than jumping between them and just saying "that'll do", I'll also be able to maximise FPS during the animation process. I'll also be dropping more content that is actually story involved rather than just the typical smexy scenes e.g. (Dusk and Aria playing rock paper scissors to see who gets to have their turn with sunset first)

Of course this all takes time and I'm predicting that times between Early Access Uploads Will be more distant between each other but when they DO come you'll enjoy animations more than ever, a Quality over Quantity approach.

Thank you all for you love and Support, if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comment section below.

- Nessie <3 




Can't wait to see what you come with for the future. Ever since I saw the blind date animation I knew your content was something special and worth supporting. Happy to here that your passion has come back and very exicted to see what comes from it Nessie.


There are some great creators doing this kind of stuff but you are by far my favorite. The animation quality and sounds and everything is just super amazing to watch. Keep up the great work!


The wait is so damn worth it, don't even stress about it. It is so nice that you have not stagnated on just loops. I honestly wish more animators in the fandom would follow your lead. Don't get me wrong loops are great, but a narrative, no matter how small, is far more impactful. Thank you again for your hard work!


We all have our creativity take a tip here and there, but as long as we have the will to get back on the horse, the creativity will always flow The wait is honestly worth it. Patience is bliss as they say, so take your time and practice self care plenty. Your hard work is very much appreciated!