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Hello everyone I'm rather nervous but i hope you enjoy this years halloween special please let me know what you think as  i won't be able to sleep otherwise :3




Great Halloween Animation !!! I love it.


You can easily sleep like a rock tonight. Well done 💪


So much! Nice work


Fuck, that scene with Sweetie taking two at once (including her sister, hell yeah, wincest) & Ponk bending over Bloom was suuuch a nice surprise. Definitely my favorite scene. ...is what I would’ve said if it weren’t for Rare filling up Bloom at the end. Fucking UNF. Those being my favorite parts, but ALL of this is lovely. You’ve outdone yourself this time, mate


Holy Hell thank you for this, it is my fav holiday... Even if I scare with little work put into it. Problem is, I scare like a tiger and strike without thinking first. lol ; P. I once punch my monitor with a jump scare vid. Man that sucked!!! It was a old 3 by 4 tub screen, I think... I had a boxers fracture from that. lol The LCD's brake, ask me how I know. :0


I think your nerves are unfounded! Really hot with a nice variety of lovely positions. Getting to see Pinkie topping is a gift in and of itself. and lol perfect costume for Rarity. And I really appreciate the plethora of climaxes! Thank you for the Halloween special~

Hexed Kaiser

It was rather interesting to see how you jumped into the action on this one and how fitting the music was here. I really like that you used some size difference. Gotta love that pose that you used with Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle. I wish that Scootaloo has appeared at the end but that just me. Other than that, it's another classic Halloween animation from you, dude!


I loved pinkies voice!


Holy shit Man. Love it. Cant wait for what you got up your sleeve for the Xmas special.


is it weird if i ask for the non lighting edited version and see all the chracters fucking?


like the wips