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It is with great sadness that I have to tell you all that I have lost all of my work on SFM and must start a fresh after SFM decided to just spasm out. So I've lost ALL of my save files (all but one, commissions included) this is definitely a  big blow thats shook me a bit and it was partly my stupid fault for not copying the save files to a safe location.

However this does not mean that "The Ceremony" is cancelled but there has been a minor set back. I will need to start right back at WIP 1  Meaning the WIP 2. 2.1 and 3 are lost. I will remake this animation and build it from the ground up again (Same pose and position and angle) all I can really say is that I am truly sorry for being a big dafty and will hopefully have more updates of the animation soon.

The Easter Animation Is safe and one of the few I was able to preserve but this has definitely took me off guard but I'll bounce back as always so keep your chin up :)



Ouch...Can’t imagine the emotions you must be going through because of this


Oh my, i know the difficult to make a 3D animation, lose that in 1 Second really sucks ;-;


Man, that really sucks to hear you lost almost everything, it's at least good to hear you have a few things that didn't get lost, however.


ouch ....... all the hours of work you put into your projects , i am sorry

Nicholas Navea

That's just terrible, I can't even begin to imagine how that feels. I'm sorry that happened to you.


fuck man that sucks

Hexed Kaiser

I wish there was a sad reaction button for this post because it's truly a shame that this happened to you right now after all the effort that you were putting in all your animations and probably alt versions of some of them that you'd make. 😥 At least the last one of them is still safe and you can work on it so you don't have to start really from zero but it's still a shame that this happened to you.


D: If only sfm would be stable some day

Dragon Ranger

Shit man..... Sorry to hear this, I know the exact feeling all too well, I once had my movies hard drive gunk up on me, hardly recovered half of it, but don’t worry, there’s a light at the end of this tunnel.


Hang in there we got your back


Thats shitty luck right there, we will be with you either way


Wow. Cant believe that happened to you. sorry man


When my old pc decided to crap out on me, that was a wake up call to really and truly back everything up regularly cause you never know what will happen.


um i kinda save all your videos on my laptop


Shit happens. It sucks to hear but things happen. If it takes time, so be it


How’s it going for this one,