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I'll be honest guys December really kicked the shit out of me this year like god damn I really need to have at least a day of no animating which is gonna effect the birthday special i had planned and the new years special too. I might get something out for new years day but the best i can do for my birthday is a pic of vinyl getting fucked my a bunch of futa milfs. I really hope you guys enjoy the Christmas Special it comes out in less than 10 hours so thank you all for your patience and kind words and i hope you stick with me for another year of Hot futa action <3



You know it


Rest up You earned it Merry Christmas


It's best to rest up so you don't end up burning yourself out and I have no reason to not stick around in regards to the stuff you put out.


Never mind a day Vinyl. You deserve a week off for all the animation that you created this pass year. Have a Nice Christmas Dude


Also most importantly have a merry Christmas &lt;3

Dragon Ranger

If one thing is for certain Vinyl, you’ve proven your endurance, and more than earned some rest, looking to whole new year of great content.


You should take a week off dude, rest and relaxation helps keep things fresh. I should know, Destiny 2 keeps coming out with awesome stuff, sometimes the grind is unbearable. Take a break, relaxe, check out other peoples content for inspiration, and dont forget to always reach for the stars.


I remember you mentioning a Christmas art pack with like 40 artist involved is it still a thing and where can i find it?