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Hey everyone! just finished the Halloween special but y'know gotta wait for the 31st soooo now that the Halloween special is finished and Christmas is right around the corner im now working on the Christmas special so if you don't see any characters that you wanted to see in the Halloween special, please let me know and i'll put them in the Christmas special.

Also here's a list of things to come before the year ends that i know im doing.

- Christmas special Animation (Christmas Day)

Vinyl's Birthday Bash (27th Of December, I'll be 22 for those who are curious)

Happy New Year Animation (New Years Day)



sounds like a plan 👍


Should be quite interesting see who'll end up in the Christmas animation and looking forward to the Halloween one.


Oh boy. This Special should be Good

johnnie donald

My birthday on 27rh of December. Cool

Bob Hershey

Okay, for Vinyl's birthday (the animator, not the pony), how about Vinyl (the pony, not the animator) getting a birthday spanking?

Dragon Ranger

I'll definitely send any ideas to the discord, so much sweetness ahead!