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I would like to ask you all what you'd like to see in the halloween special when it comes out, i've been at it since the end of September so i've got a lot already added in but thats no reason i can't add more :)



Some flutterbat x applejack is always a welcome Halloween theme. Flutterbat loooves to suck dem apples dry~


I would like to see Flutterbat and Timberjack or maybe the mane 6 as vampires pony


Hmm. Good question Vinyl. Me personally would like to see the Mane 6 doing the CMC with Trixie,Starlight and Sunset doing each other in the background (I know I've already asked for Shimmer. But She is a hot one and my Fav)

Bob Hershey

Hmmmm, there a few obvious choices... Princess Luna Nightmare Moon Nightmare Rarity Flutterbat So how about Zecora as the spidery sorceress from "Luna Eclipsed"?


Lyra, Bon Bon sharing Futa Tootsie Flute and maybe Berry Punch and Futa Ruby Pinch included too as well as Babs, Silver and Diamond, the latter two futa, doing the Futa CMC.


How about the spoiled rich family trick and dickin?🤔🤔🤔