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Twilight had brought Vinyl down to the cave where she had found an ancient structure from the past. As uninterested as Vinyl was about the whole backstory of this weird place there was one thing that did not escape Vinyl's attention.

she noticed how Twilight looked rather appealing in this light coming from the cave. As Twilight continued to blabber on about "ancient" this and "markings" that, her incessant talking was cut short by Vinyl taking her to the ground and showing Twilight something of her own. 


This took way longer than i thought it would but for good reason, i wanted this to be as good as i could make it, meaning not cutting any corners and not making any excuses overall i think this animation alone took me 30 hours ish i think.






Very nice with the cumming thing, that’s real good


thanks wasn't sure if i would do it in scene 2 (facefuck scene) or scene 3 (blowjob scene) but went with the latter.

Dragon Ranger

The pounding is incredible.