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So a lot of things that could have gone wrong with this animation DID go wrong but i managed to patch up most of it there is some robotic movement here, i tried to remove it to the best of my abilities but sfm kept crashing automatically locking me out of some pieces of the animation but I still am happy with how it look the lighting could be a bit better but it wasn't a big concern for me right now.

Also going to start doing 10 second previews on derpibooru it seems to be getting people interested in my work.





Dragon Ranger

Holy. Fuck.... Vinyl, your amazing. Especially that Trixie and Starlight shot, WOW.


Thanks dude theres more work on the way ;)

Dragon Ranger

As long as you got more licking on the way too. <3

Dragon Ranger

You think there'd be a part 2 to this? Just Curious.