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Wow! This one is awesome! I swear, the closet the final renders are to your original sketches, the better they look. May I ask why some of them go through some major changes as you work through them, especially the face area? Your sketches look so good, but sometimes they look better than the final renders. This one, on the other hand, is perfect! Please, if they're always this close to your sketches, I don't mind if they take longer.


Thank you, I usually turn off the line layer on early-stage after I create the masks then I continue with the color and rendering and never look the sketch again, often things change in the way. I'll keep an eye on the sketch once in a while and try not to lose the original expression on the face that yeah some times it happens to me.


That's pretty hardcore. Following the line layer is hard enough. I can't imagine turning it off in the early stages. Alright, I understand the process a lot more now. Pretty risky, but the fact that you still manage to reach those final renders and have them look great is badass.