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  • maeMorningRoutine_angleB.mp4
  • maeMorningRoutine_angleA.mp4




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A little look into the daily morning routine of Mae.


I finally had some time to work on things again this week, both as a commission and partly a personal project I put together a look into Mae's daily life every morning, usually starting with a morning wank like the previous posts showed, and then showering and getting some breakfast!

I'm happy with how this turned out, there were a lot of things I had to figure out along the way, I've never really done these types of animations before so it was good practice, though I still need a lot of practice. The stretching animation for example is a retarget with a fair amount of editing, plus the dong physics being custom made!

Thank you everyone for your patience, your support means a lot to me! And as always, have a great week!




Just imagine sniffing her stinky carpet


Mae spilling on the ground and in the toilet seems inappropriate. There are plenty of volunteers that would happily kneel before her and take her in!