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  • cyberpunk_VPanam.mp4




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A dingy motel and some cyber punk 2069 or something I haven't played this game.


In this week I decided to challenge myself a little, having had very little time to spend on animation I set out to make an animation in one day, which turned into two half-days but disregard that! Wanting to make something a bit different I grabbed some models courtesy of Rigid3d and got to work, making what you see this week!

Not really having had the time to actually render it and fix things it's a little janky in places which fustrates me, otherwise I'm happy with what I managed in the short time I had. I also experimented with some new tech for bulges and the like, as well as trying to get the booba to be fully simulated to a good-ish degree! I might do a little editing of it and sound for a public release as well.

I am thinking of maybe branching out a little with side projects like these but we will have to see, they are interesting to work on!

In any case, thank you everyone for your continued support! And as always, have a great week!



Angelo B.

They sure been at it a while. Guess the a/c can't keep up as they both glisten nicely.


Yesssss! All of the sweat!