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Kairi's Demonic Deal has backfired spectacularly, and she's gotten so big that she's a hazard to the city's infrastructure! Her only option is to get out of town - but how much damage will she do along the way?

Synopsis: Now that Kairi has turned into a full-blown giantess, she has to try and hide herself until she can figure out what to do next. However, it’s more than a little difficult to quietly sneak away when the world around you is so small and fragile!

Tags: giantess, growth, height increase, mega-giantess, multiple gts, handheld, nudity, destruction, accidental destruction, stomp, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: YouLZ (Studio Arieta)

Issue Release Date: August 28th, 2023

Series Link: The Demonic Deal

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