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Greta and Tanya are still hitting the town pretty hard... which is easy to do when you're a giantess the size of a building! Tanya has really let the power go to her head, and Greta is desperately struggling to stop her - can the city be saved from these Girls on the Grow?

Synopsis: With Tanya bigger than ever and using the colossally long Greta as a plaything, what can stop Tanya's rampage?

Tags: giantess, giantess fight, multiple gts, mega-giantess, female muscle, height increase, growth, elongating, destruction, insertion, revenge, goddess, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, magic

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Issue #4 Release Date: May 19th, 2023

Series Link: Girls on the Grow

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