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As Clarissa and the others try to join Ariel's table for lunch, they're interrupted by the server, who's a big fan of Natalie's streaming content... although the tiny people trying to climb the server's legs aren't fans of all her movement!

Synopsis: Clarissa, Megan, and Natalie quickly devise a plan to get near Valerie and the rest of the women on their lunch outing. However, things become a little more complicated when Natalie is recognized by one of her fans!

Tags: unaware, shrunken man, shrunken woman, body exploration, butt, stomach, boots, POV, science

Pages: 20 + Cover

Written By: KevinFred

Artwork By: Jieun

Issue #24 Release Date: March 19th, 2024

Series Link: A Weekend Alone

Download and read the comic by creating/reactivating an account on our website (https://www.giantessfan.com/register/). Simply choose the "Patreon" option and enter the email address associated with your Patreon account on the registration page to unlock access to this comic and all of the others we've produced.



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