Beat Banger Godot 4 (Patreon)
As Claire's level continues to get done, we've been experimenting with improving the Beat Banger experience. One of the things that we'll be experimenting with is porting the game to a newer version of the Godot engine. This will allow us to update the game with a wide array of new features and performance improvements.
Some of those frequently requested features are:
- Backward Compatibility
By rewriting the level-loading script, we'll be able to allow users to load mods from the demo and legacy versions of the game all in one engine.
- Embedded Modding
Syncing the modding tool and the base game to the same engine version will allow us to embed the modding tool, acting as a level editor instead of a separate program.
There are a lot more under-the-hood performance improvements you may notice as you play. We plan to release the engine update shortly after we release Claire's level, if not simultaneously, so be on the lookout for a Patreon build coming in the middle of this month.