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Hello everyone. ✨ We've got a lot in store for 2023, and we'll be working extra hard to ensure that this year is even better than the last.

Support For Other Platforms

We'll release Beat Banger development builds for Mac and Linux pretty soon. These builds will be available in the near future.

Beat Banger Release

Beat Banger is nearing its final stages of development and will soon be ready for release on Steam. A lot of the core features have been completed, and all that's left is to add extra content and finish the art for the levels. The only remaining crucial implementation is cutscene support, but once that's done, the game should be ready for release and allow free updates to cover anything we've missed.

New Games

After production is complete, we will still push updates toward Beat Banger, But we'll also be getting started on the next game. We have a lot of ideas ready to turn into a reality. Once we get started on a new project, this Patreon's primary focus will shift, but we'll still be giving you content regarding the updates coming to Beat Banger.

Merchandise Launch

This year merchandise will go live! You'll be able to rep Beat Banger and the other games we make officially! The merchandise page is already active but won't update until Beat Banger releases on Steam. You can buy a Beat Banger shirt and hoodie right now, but once the game is up, we'll have way more options! ✨

Office Location

Thanks to your support, we're getting closer and closer to being able to afford an actual Bunfan office location. We're planning to get into this location by late July. This will allow everyone working at Bunfan to all work together in the same environment, which will increase production speed significantly.

That's all for now!~ ✨




I want the Dino game next, no other reason then I love dinosaurs for many reasons including sexual


Access to demos we paid to access won't be restored?


Excited to see the game and (hopefully some day) company grow!! With enough time yall can most definitely take over the erogame market!


This is gonna be crazy coolnes i hope everything goes smoothly when your moving in there..


Can you please fix the issue with nobody be able to download your game, direct download perhaps?