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My old computer is no longer being used for development. Soon we'll have an official Bunfan owned machine specifically for dev stuff. But for now I'm working off of a laptop which is why things have been a little slow.

Staff Changes

For the sake of the development, we've made some major staffing changes, which involved removing over half of the internship team. We came to this decision after realizing that little to no progress had been done after six months of development on Date a Dino. This most likely happened because I could not provide adequate direction to the large amount of interns we had. From this point on Date a Dino will be under my direct direction and developed by the main staff members.

We're Still Moving Forward

Just because things may be a little slow on my end does not mean that the rest of the staff have stopped working. Every single day we're adding things to our games and fixing bugs non-stop. So you best believe we're still shmovin. 😎

That's all for now!~ ✨




Discord link isn't working for me at all


Oh hey, that's me


When I try to join the discord either through the app on android or pc, I doesn't put me in the server or says "whoops, we were unable to accept the invite"


That's strange, I get the same error when I try to join from my phone but it works perfectly fine on my PC. I wonder if it's something on discord's end, I'll look into it.


If you haven't already solved the problem, try clearing cookies and trying again.