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Hey all! Thanks to everyone who continued to support us throughout our hiatus in February. Now that February is over we can get back to work. Starting today we'll be bringing you updates every week! Letting you know what we've done, so you can stay up to date on all of the latest BunFan news!

Early Access Builds Are Back!

Some of you may have been wondering where the early access builds went... Due to some complications with Steam, we haven't been able to release builds for you guys without having to generate hundreds of beta testing keys. But we've found a work-around, so expect more builds to be released soon starting at the end of March. We've got lots of new content in store including a few re-works of some of the older content inside the game as well.

New Game Artist Acquired!

One of our interns ( Upesito / Ultra Hyper ), has been putting in a lot of work, so we've decided to bring him onto the official team to do storyboards for Beat Bangers cut scenes.

New Weekly Schedule!

To ensure everything gets done in a timely manner, the rest of the staff and I have devised a weekly schedule to make sure that we're meeting our deadlines. 

Multi Language Support!

Beat Banger has just implemented different locale options which will allow you to change what language the game is in. As of right now the only other language supported is Japanese but we plan on expanding supported language based on the audiences that are most prevalent in the community.

And there's a LOT more in the works! Thanks once again to everyone for supporting us this far! That's all for now <3



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