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TDLR : I’m making a big busty video game so sorry if the uploads are a little slow for a short time.


Hey guys! You may have noticed that my uploads have been slow recently; thats be because I’m currently working on trying to get a video game in the works. It’s taking me just a little bit of time to get used to this new programming language that I’m using. But I’m thinking the end result will be worth it.

Right now I’m just at the stage of learning the language. So if you guys have any ideas for what this video game should be about or the type of video game it could be please leave a comment down below.

My current idea was to make it about a BUSTY female character that has to fight through a bunch of different bosses. If she wins she can move to the next level. But if she loses... well... you can probably guess what happens after that.

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas and feel free to talk to me about this on Discord.

If you’re not already in the Discord server then head to your settings to link your Patreon account to your Discord account. You’ll get access to some extra exclusive things I’ll be posting there regarding the development of the game..

You can also join here : https://discord.gg/komdog

Thanks again for all your support! 💕



To be completely honest, I'd rather just see vidya-themed animations than a full-on game. Most "porn games" I've played have been mediocre at best, and I just end up playing through it one time to screen-record all of the lewd bits and then never touch it again. That and, developing a game takes a lot more time, so the content tends to come out a lot slower. So something like the Toriel animation you did with the mock-up of the Undertale UI, something like that but a little more detailed.


Have the scenes be for beating the bosses, it should be a reward. You could also have a losing scene too if you feel productive and willing to double the workload!


That sounds awesome expect the female protag getting fucked and fight is always done in that kind of game. A futa or a male one would freshen it up a bit but that's my opinion lol.


Hey Kom! I'm a narrative designer for video games, so if you ever want to talk shop, hit me up! My biggest piece of advice is to give a lot of thought to the punishment/reward system of your game and how do you want to encourage players to keep playing. For most adult games, a pitfall they run into often is linking their sexual content (reward) to game over (punishment). This means that players will either throw the game and lose on purpose to get to the content they want, ignoring any other content you worked on, or will cause players to avoid sexual encounters entirely in order to continue playing.


Like others have said, don't make the sexy bits a punishment. Make them a reward, or better yet, integrate them into the gameplay itself! Like maybe instead of making the player fight their enemies, they have to learn the enemies' fetishes in order to sexually satisfy them and make peace :D


Yeah, that's a trap that almost every porn action game falls into: You have to lose to get the porn. Could be remedied by having a gallery mode unlock from beating the game.


honestly, i was kinda hoping for something like that one game themed animation you did a little while ago with Kom


how do i link my patreon to discord?




I've got the jitters out of excitement! I wish you luck!