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Here is first page of my very long term comic that could lasts for years (I have the scenario for a lot).

And also couple news:
1. I'm gonna start to post all gumroad stuff and exclusive content, which will be available for all 9$. (This month included)
2. I probably gonna do only this comic for a quite a while.
3. Yes, the main character is gonna be a furry character :D I love this character btw
4. I have 4 Chapters written on a paper. 6 pages drawn in sketches. All characters designed. And second page halfway finished. Nothing will stop me anymore!




Is it a sexy comic or a more serious in tone?


This is a porn adventure comic, but to make it interesting I need to tell the story, sometimes it will be serious, sometimes funny and sometimes even sad. But the janre always will be "porn adventure comic"

Lemonade Rat

Wow, this is interesting. I love your hellscape setting, visually its really cool. I can’t wait to see more of your story telling and world building with this comic.