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Not too many this month. And very Dante-heavy.

Also want to say I'm definitely finally raising the price of my main tier in March. I keep saying it but I need to rip that bandaid off. This started off as a fun little extra with a tier as low as I could make it so it'd always be accessible. But it's reached a point where I can get a handful of new patrons at a time and once Patreon applies their magic to those numbers behind the scenes my monthly total somehow remains exactly the same.  On top of that over the last year the time it takes me to draw anything has somehow doubled or tripled (or in my comic's case quadrupled) and I'm becoming more reliant on the income from Patreon.

If you're subbed now you'll still only pay what you signed up for. The $1 tier will still exist it just won't allow new people to join. Unfortunately this does mean if you leave and come back you'll have to rejoin at the new tier. You're essentially grandfathered in. But I hope you don't feel trapped by that. Even then if you don't feel like paying that much it doesn't hurt my feelings if you only join for a month at a time every once in a while. And as far as I know if a payment is missed Patreon keeps you in the same tier until it's paid again. But I could be wrong. 

It's not ideal but I feel like it's something I have to do. I love doing this and I love having the ability to do it. I sound like I'm raising it to something like ten bucks a month it'll probably be 2.50 or 3. You can't even buy a burger with that anymore. But geez that's a lot of words for something that probably doesn't matter to most of you.

Monthly link:

How to join/leave the Discord server: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access
Drawing Suggestion Box: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1o6tkf9FFE-7K92lmiQQAN8AOvptzQ199ozEC0vVv2gE/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true




Dante heavy? Nah dude, he's just a little guy.


I fully support raising your price! I'm here because I wanna support your work, so it would be silly to not back you on this. 💜💜💜