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Been reworking some old brushes and textures and trying out something different things. Trying to mix the old with the new. Been feeling like I haven't really progressed since my 2021 break.

Changing things up a bit is kinda scary though because I can't change too much. Yall are already here for what I've got going on now but I guess we'll see where I go from here.




Now I’m hungry. Thanks a lot.


O lala Yeah it does feel different, love it all the same. Feels sharper? Idk how to describe it Super cute guy, huge dick this time around too, unexpected but welcome


Don't let patreon slow you down or hold you back as an artist.

Cayal Lakesh

Looks awesome, not as "soft" as what you usually draw but at least as good overall 😁 And don't worry, if you ask me, i'd say you should actually try and shock us with whatever style you wanna try out and see how the response is, i don't think anyone's going to leave immediately because of that And i absolutely love this character, he's really handsome and so unabashedly direct and honest, actually telling the other "validate me and the size of my dick!" 😂 i think it's kinda charming, bet he's lots of fun to be around


This is great


As an artist myself and went to college for art (🙃) your suppose to grow. Keep trying new things, keep getting better and stronger as an artist. Those who want to support you will stick around, those who are fake will leave. ❤️


I love this a lot! And I can only speak for myself but I subscribe because I like seeing what you draw, not because of your current style. This is still definitely recognizable as your work (and also hot topic material), so it’s what I’m subscribed for.


I'd say draw how and what you want to draw. It's most important that you enjoy what you're doing and that what you're creating is representative of what you want to create. I've been following you for long enough to see how your art has improved and changed over the years, and I'm certain however you choose to change or experiment with your art will turn out well as long as you're doing what you want to do. I'm not here for a specific kind of art, but for the art you create.


Ohh I like these!


I love everything in this picture. The casual atmosphere, the text convo, his rumpled clothes, thick glasses, just all of it.


I should clarify I'm not afraid of drawing what I want or improving or changing things up. It's just the idea of doing it so gradually that it becomes completely unrecognizable as me. I've seen a few artists who have changed their whole deal and they kinda lose their appeal. It happens. On the flip side I feel like my art from only a few years ago is borderline unrecognizable to me. I definitely couldn't draw it again if you made me so what do I know.


Looks good! I can tell you've been working on your shading, and the shading on his skin is particularly nice!


Oh I would love to see more art with back and forth texts like this!


+1, I love the conversation here! Particularly the good-natured teasing/oblique flirting between them.

Smelly Sock

I'M BEGGING YOU please draw him more