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Thought I'd kick off the New Year with a quick stream test. I'd like to do some streaming this year now that I have the internet for it. If that's something you're interested in?


Gonna be doing a quick one just coloring this sketch up here. I'll be doing it around 9ish CST if everything works out. Now the problem I have is I can't do a private stream on Picarto without paying them and Picarto is the only streaming service that allows NSFW art. But since I've never used the account I have you guys will be the only ones who know its happening. So we can just go with the honor system until I figure that part out.

Look for it here. Unless something goes wrong. I'll edit the post then. And no I won't be on mic. I'm shy and anxious.




Absolutely interested in your streaming!


If its only for patrons, i suggest starting a discord and streaming through that. No cost, total admin rights, but no vod saving. But if you’re looking to grow viewership then picarto is your best option


That's my second option and probably the only way to make it private. But testing that would require making the Discord server then setting up the bots and dumping everybody in without them knowing. Then having to manage a server. An NSFW server at that which... I don't want to do. For obvious reasons. But yeah unfortunately it seems like the best option.


Just like to clarify. 9PM Tue 03 Jan 2023 Central Time. So in around 2 hours?


For about a minute, i thought you put in *SCREAM* test, and I wondered "huh... how does that work?".


Thanks. Leaving this here then. https://time.is/2100_3_Jan_2023_in_CT/Los_Angeles/New_York,_New_York_State,_United_States/London/Paris/SGT/Tokyo/Sydney_Central_Business_District


So eager to catch that stream :)


But just to mention something stated before about private, you can do private streams on Picarto if wanted, but youd need your follower account name on picarto to authorise them.


As far as I know you need to pay 15 bucks a month for premium membership to access private streams.


But you are premium XD