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Took a trip recently and I STILL feel like I'm trying to recover from it and get back into some sort of groove. I don't get out much. So have a lazy Manny. Feeling like I've been feeling. Minus the dildo.




How does he make it look so effortless and cute 💜😌


Manny needs a haircut. And a little bit of a redesign. He came so far away from that first sketch of him. Just kept getting buffer.

Cayal Lakesh

Honestly, he may be my favorite boy of yours, he's so pretty 😍 his chaotic hair, how laid-back, lazy and unmotivated he looks 😂 written down, sounds kinda weird to find that alluring

Jaytee Starr

I feel the same way! I went to PAX Unplugged and it was just... A lot. I don't do cons, and I definitely don't think I will again. It was fun and all, but it took it outta me.

Jaytee Starr

The first night went to midnight and I had a whole itinerary planned, but by 8:30 I was like... Nah, I'm not gonna make all that. It's been a long day already, lol.

Cayal Lakesh

well, you are my favorite artist, and it seems like there's a good reason 😂


Shaggy hair, my beloved ❤️❤️❤️


I haven't enjoyed going out since 2020, and at the rate I'm going ill be fully interior based by 2027

Sebastian Ardila Torres

Like his looks, and how relaxed he is, and I need to go out by myself one day to take a break