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I miss fall already. Shea is such a weird character because I never really meant him to be anything special and just kinda made him up as a joke. But damn if he doesn't get a lot of suggestions in the box. Maybe it's just one overzealous Shea fan.

Also I'll probably be making a post about this but I may as well say it here too. I've been thinking about ways to restructure this Patreon and I'm probably gonna start with raising the base price slightly sometime next year. NOW BEFORE YOU GET ANGRY, the plan is to unpublish the current tier which would essentially grandfather all current Patreons (that's you!) into whatever new tiers I come up with so you wouldn't have to pay more to access everything. Not that I'm gonna raise prices a lot (maybe only a dollar or two) but I know that would be frustrating for you to have that change. I just always wanted to keep this Patreon as accessible as I could but you know, shit's crazy right now. (And yes I see the irony in complaining about money while asking people to give me more of it.) Especially since I'm not currently running my other comic Patreon. But that also will be changing soon.

But honestly, even if shit wasn't crazy. It's something I've thought about doing for a while because it may not seem like it but it's a lot of work keeping one of these up. And this way I could maybe branch out and do some bigger stuff too. I'd like to do some comics and maybe some little games. Can't promise anything but we'll see. Nothing's set in stone and I'm still trying to figure it all out. But the important thing to know is that it basically won't affect you if you're a current patron.

And I mean as hard and frustrating as it is trying to keep one of this afloat, it's a lot of fun and it's definitely DEFINITELY helped me improve as an artist. Some of you have been around since the start and can attest to that. And I do want to thank you for supporting me and cheering me on whether you've been here from the start or just joined. And for sticking by while I was stuck in limbo too. Thank you. I didn't mean for this to get so long. Consider this my end of the year thank you speech.


And your cursed image for the day. Maple syrup. Or would it be birch syrup.



Aw the title got me excited for a different kind of alt XD Great stuff, Shea is a cutie, I also miss fall. As for raising the price of your Patreon, I say do it! As long as it's not like, a huge increase, I'll probably stick around at the new price, cuz I love your art and I really wanna support you!


Love you, little man 🧡🥰


I was totally expecting him to cum maple syrup


Boy syrup.


At first I didn’t know how I’d feel about it, because syrup is like mad thick, but honestly…I’d prefer it over the other stuff. I love this boy so much btw


Artists absolutely get to set the value of their work. Obviously whether anyone can buy into it is a factor, but I fully support you getting to set your price. And it's incredibly generous of you to grandfather us in. So yeah, if it helps you, do what you need to do. It's a hard world for all of us, but that also means we all need to stand up for our own worth from time to time.


what a nice thing to wake up to