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Satyr greetings are really weird. Next drawing will be them fucking though.

If I made a pie chart of the suggestions I get. Satyr boys would take up an alarming hunk of the pie. I'm not complaining but dang.




Oh ! I missed that ! Is there a story behind/beyond that scene ? Very nice art. Thant you so much !


also to the person who suggested the hiker/satyr thing no that was a good suggestion. in fact you basically described a mini comic i already had planned. so great minds.




I have never known I needed this in my life

Alex Raïs

'If I made a pie chart'. Why aren't you making the pie chart? I'd like to see that pie chart. Actually, forget the chart: I want the pie. Back on topic: your satyrs are adorable, no matter what they're doing.


Ash's friend is insanely cute. Eyes covered by shaggy locks, chewing on a stalk of wheat, the baseball cap, vaguely Southern, gay. He's the complete package lol

Jay Kay

I'm 1000% here for this

Max Denler

Stunning 😍