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Wow there are a shocking number of you who stuck around. I'm really surprised. Now I know this is extremely short notice, in fact I was gonna make this post a week or two ago but I've been waffling this whole time. I was considering unpausing for the month of October and seeing if I can start getting back into the swing of things. (Also I need to eat.)

I'm not 100% sure yet but I will be making a post again on the 30th either way so you'll know beforehand. So a heads up if I do unpause you will be charged however much you pledged on October 1st unless you want to cancel now. I know it's not a lot of time before then but I'd rather not wait around another month. But I have several things up in the air and a lot can change in a couple days so we'll see. Doing this stuff was hard work, like REAL HARD, but I do miss it. Either way, hope to see yall soon.



Also wow Patreon kinda changed, huh? This is all so strange.

Yang Xiao Long

We love your art and wanna support you. Of course we're still here while you sort things out. Welcome back 💛

Dyabel Cheshire

I hope it's not too hard for you, welcome back Ari


Looking forward to more stuff (hopefully?). If you decide to do commissions too, I hope you'll post that info with us.


We will love you forever Ari


Bated breath. 💙

Joey C

Welcome back (maybe)! 😆 Very excited to continue supporting 🥰


This is like early Christmas 😍


Omg I'm so excited!!! Aaaaa I adore your stuff


Welcome back Ari! Whatever you decide, it is important that you are comfortable and happy with your decision and we will support you in any way we can! I would be happy to support you and your art works again! 🙏💚🙏💚


I'm pretty certain a lot of us here would snort your art raw if it meant being able to appreciate it more


Clearly we all love your art and wanna support you. Like. Dude! Internalize that truth. You’re awesome.