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I've been playing some heavily modded Stardew Valley ft. a pink haired Sam so I just wanted to doodle a naked pink hair guy playing guitar because apparently I'm a big joke and have a type. So there's "Sam" I guess.

EDIT: Wait, I can just give him Sam hair. There you go.

Also I noticed a lot of new patrons after my last twitter post and I wanted to say in case you missed the walls of HIATUS warnings. This Patreon is on hiatus and all the payments are paused for now. Yes, I still post art here because I like having a secret feed. And I like the attention. Just a heads up. I hope to get  back to it soon but I've been saying that for a while.




lord, you're spoiling us


I'm here for more Sam or "Sam" content. He's my favorite Stardew Husbando too lol


What a cutie


(Also love the background. Sunny afternoons are so idyllic)


I love the first two and last one just because of the lovely background which is peaceful and quiet sunny scenery which is perfect for his guitar 🎶!! I love how you did his hairdo: pink and spiny! Awesome you did his piercings! As always, thanks for normalizing the genitalia! Please keep up doing the awesomest art works! Stay healthy and be safe, please! 🙏🙏🙏💚💚💚💚


I can't wait to one day see my partner like this. Just staring out the window, being beautiful. 🥰


Thanks Ari!! He looks great! 😄 Always had a soft spot for his funky super saiyan hairdo lol


I haven't played Stardew since the last big patch. Been meaning to get around to it. This makes for a lovely reminder


i have so many mods dumped into it its hard to tell whats actual new game content and whats modded. the new island is a good piece of content though.


Oh waw the foot looks great btw ! I remember the fact that you don't like to draw it or something so I feel like it's important to say you that is really good !! And I love this background... seriously I love your art ! Ty for posting even if you're on hiatus ❤


I'm perfectly fine giving you money, you're way too sweet!!


I have no idea who this Sam guy is, but I must either change the games I’m playing or convince you to pick up Breath of the Wild.


Guitar Hero - Gay Edition


i can make them look decent enough i just dont enjoy drawing them. same for hands. time to put socks on hands.


My husband 😍


what a cutie! love the pink hair