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First of all, I'm fine. But due to various circumstances I'm gonna be putting a pause on the next billing cycle here and taking a quick break for the month of March. You shouldn't have to do anything for this. Patreon just won't charge you on March 1st and it should automatically resume on April 1st. (And obviously if you subbed sometime in the last few days and want a refund now you can DM me.)

I just need to reduce as much stress as I can at the moment and believe it or not drawing is pretty stressful. Even though I mostly draw people relieving their stress. I could force myself through it but I don't think what I produced would be up to snuff. But hopefully I can come back at least a little recharged and pump out some good stuff. Til then have a happy March.



Do what you gotta do! Much Love ❤️

Jaytee Starr

I hope everything is alright and that this break is everything you need! You're an amazing artist! Take care of yourself. ❤️


hope the time off treats you well! i've loved seeing and getting to support your art!


Take all the time you need 💕 you constantly produce stuff for us and you deserve the time to recuperate and look after yourself! 🥰

Matthis Mitroglou

Take your time. Eres humano y lo más importante es que estés bien. 💗

Diego P

stay safe!

Jaytee Starr

If we're piling on support and stuff here, I'll just say how/why I found you. I love short guys. My husband is 5', lol. I saw Roy, and I was like, "WHO IS THIS ARTIST‽" Also, I love that you draw realistic sized penis and flaccid ones too. You truly a stand out amongst the artists I support, and not just the NSFW ones. Your style is amazing, and I'd love to commission you for a D&D character portrait... If I ever got to play again. I'm now the eternal DM. Anyway, stay awesome and I hope I made you smile. 🥰

Russell Benton

Sorry to hear that! Please take all the time you need. I'm upping my pledge. Hope it helps 😁


Wishing you to enjoy the break and hopefully you can relax a lot.


Okie dokie! Take your time hun. We'll be here when you're ready. ❤


Take your time mate and recover sending you love and good vibes


Wishing you all the best and sending you good and positive vibes. Eat well, sleep well, and keep a healthy routine. We'll miss you, but definitely support you in taking the time you need.


Enjoy your respite! Hope you get the artistic mojo back. 🎨


See you in April! 💜


Hope you have a restful break dude ❤ you deserve it




Have a good rest. You don’t have to promise anything about when you’re back or what you’ll do. It’s your vacay. Take care.