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I just wanted to doodle Manny based on that last Twitter post and just kept going.

I think I'm more self-conscious about my fictional characters junk than I'd ever be of mine because so many people tell me "oh they're all average" or whatever. So now I'm just constantly adjusting and redrawing like "oh god is this too big?" 




I haven't ever seen a drawing of yours and thought "that's too big". It's always perfect.


I’ve always liked your dicks because they look realistically sized


The cartoonishly oversized look that so many artists favor is super obnoxious to me. Properly proportioned bodies are much more pleasant


Holy shit it looks so good!


Honestly, the fact that you draw dicks (and bodies) that look like they could belong to actual guys is possibly my favourite aspect of your art


Hh dude the underwear bulge is Perfect in this!! god I'm slut for good underwear pics.. and manny


Adding to the support for Reasonable Dick Sizes, but also really appreciative of the effort you put into them! Thanks as always for sharing your work with us


I was half expecting him to cum through his boxers, which is super hot. Either way, this is amazing! Also, whatcha looking at there, Manny?


You drew and still do draw perfectly sized and normal junks! Honestly, your drawings are perfectly done the way you did them! I have no issue with your d**cks at all! Please do not worry too much! Be yourself as the illustrations are extension of who you are as an artist! Do not ever change who you are nor your illustrations, please!!! 😁👍🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Orionsjockstrap, I just want to explain my perspective!


There is so much porn out there that I don’t feel reflects gay sex. I think it’s disheartening! The bodies are so extreme. But it’s also all these portrayals of rape. And the list goes on.


I’m not saying it doesn’t reflect anybody’s sex life. But it feels non intuitive to me and it doesn’t seem healthy to me. But your drawings are so different! You can see the guys having a good time and just being super handsome guys. It’s so hot!


So it’s not just the dick size. It’s the overall choices you make that I think are so attractive.


Love that your dicks are always more realistic & omg his dick poking through his boxers is so hotttt


Your realistic-sized dicks is why I subscribed. I see too many big dicks in art and personally it’s not my thing. I love this and your all your other works 💜


I am a huge fan of gigantic (sometimes comically) sized proportions in sexy guys, but I have always subscribed to you with direct cash just because of how soft and cute and lovely your drawings are. All the other stuff I look at is mainly for sex but honestly sometimes I look at your artwork because it’s cute or because I wanna date someone who looks like that or even because they are my body goals. Your art is more than just sex for me at times. Thank you! (∩˃o˂∩)♡