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*has a massive backlog of suggestions to get through*

me: <see above>

I have stuff dating back to the start of the suggestion box that I really want to draw but damn it just snowballs. There's so much good shit in there on top of things I wanted to draw anyway. Also hi, how are you guys doing. How's your holiday season going. I wish interaction on Patreon was a bit easier and more casual without filling everyone's email up with every single post but alas.




in my experience discord servers are pretty good for casual patron interaction but who knows


Yeah this is a good idea. Maybe have either a Patron-exclusive Discord server or some channels exclusive to Patrons. Much better for interaction.


ive waffled back and forth on it but the idea of having a nsfw discord server in any capacity and having to moderate that always makes me lean towards "no way".


being responsible for moderation does suck so that makes complete sense


its also always on and i couldnt just dip in and out of it when im in the headspace for it. im honestly not a "nsfw" person in general. says the guy with the nsfw patreon. ill keep thinking about it though because it would be kinda nice but who knows.


A discord would be fun, but I understand your reservations. You'd definitely need mods, and have to be pretty hard on rule breakers, given the nature of the content.


I'd say if it's for stuff like this, feel free to load up my inbox. I'm in so many discord servers, to be honest, it's a bit overwhelming. I really need to leave some. It's almost daunting to open it because of all the notifications. But there are a few I really like and check often. If it's for you, then why not? If not, feel free to fill up my inbox. Also, I know this is easier said than done, but don't let the suggestions overwhelm you. Do them for fun. You can overcome!


I would totally join a discord server!


Oh but I like having contact here on Patreon. I get really happy whenever I get email from patreon telling me you’ve uploaded something.


My gosh!! This is quite a surprise to me!! I am thrilled that you could draw that a huge yet sexy thick dong!!! I love that you called it a dickstache!!! Made me laugh. I especially love your guys Roy and Elle! I can see that Elle is having a grand time with Roy's huge stick! Please keep up doing a great work!! Looking forward to your next illustrations! :)


It's all good! I have a folder set up just for Patreon stuff :) keeps the clutter away. Besides the serotonin every time a post goes up is unmatched.