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I just made him and I love him and I named him Dante. He's a people-pleaser.

I also just need a smaller non-buff guy because I wanted to do an experiment. If I started with small guy how many times do I have to draw them before they end up super buff. Like all my characters. Let's find out. I'm guessing..... three times. Counting this one.



Yang Xiao Long

Me to Dante: what's it like living my dream

Yang Xiao Long

I resonate with him because I too am a people pleaser

Nico Boggs

Omg we stan new twink! :D


Oh no --- he is cute. Damn it


Well, his arms ARE getting quite a work-out...


Aww what a nice guy


Everytime you make a new boy he becomes my new favorite


I love him! Is there a reason he looks so tired?


gasp I love him. He's precious


So, fun story about Dante (the Italian poet). 150+ years ago when the Italians were deciding they were going to be one country instead of a bunch of little city-states, they realized they needed to come up with a unified Italian language for official use (because all the different city-states had their own dialects). And they eventually settled on using the form of Italian from Dante's 'Inferno' as the basis for modern Italian because basically everyone knew it already, and it was deemed to be the 'most beautiful' Italian.


imagine your poetry self-insert fanfiction that you wrote to spite everyone becoming the basis of an entire language


And being read dramatically in town squares with reasonable frequency. I've been to one or two before. People get really into it.


"... and then dante swooned." hey im not knocking it. im that nerd that read them in high school for fun.


oh i love him


Aw, totally fell for him in that "like the Italian poet" response. :D


And here's more of him. Blessed day!