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I always try to do a little sketch for twitter. Then I keep drawing on it and drawing on it and drawing on it and drawing on it... I've gotta start posting the SFW alts on twitter though like the real artists do or something.

I was looking at this and it just makes me wish the big print on demand sites would do trading cards. That's some merch I would really get into but alas.

Also I did a little doodle for my pinned suggestion box post so if you want to see that there it is. Or if you want to suggest something.



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 14:02:36 Your lighting is always so beautiful and warm! And if you wanted to keep your NSFW content on patreon and post censored or SFW alts on twitter, that is your right to do! Your drawings are awesome, and you deserve to be paid for them, if that's what you want. <3
2020-08-15 07:04:48 Your lighting is always so beautiful and warm! And if you wanted to keep your NSFW content on patreon and post censored or SFW alts on twitter, that is your right to do! Your drawings are awesome, and you deserve to be paid for them, if that's what you want. <3

Your lighting is always so beautiful and warm! And if you wanted to keep your NSFW content on patreon and post censored or SFW alts on twitter, that is your right to do! Your drawings are awesome, and you deserve to be paid for them, if that's what you want. <3


Redbubble does postcards though. That could be cute. And they're stupidly cheap. But I believe they'd have to be completely SFW.


It's just a weird balance I've never really figured out. A lot of people post everything publicly with the tiniest little bit of pixelation which I've never really understood. It's just something I gotta figure out.


We’ll not complain you finish those drawings. They’re gorgeous! :3 And do not hesitate to post the SFW version to promote yourself!


Well, this was a nice face to wake up to 😉


Lookin' comfy over there. Glad you kept on drawing on it :D


i have a feeling it would be near impossible. which makes sense. even if i could the cost to make it plus the time and cost to ship would make it unfeasible. i know other artists do it but they have to be robots.


Trading cards would indeed be awesome. :) Also, loving the flaccid/partly-covered versions here!


trading cards would be so cool!! or any merch for that matter. I'd kill to have a piece of your art up on my wall. The best I can do for now is adorn my desktop with it and leave it at that.