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I get a lot of suggestions for Mercury with saying they feel he's left out. I love Mercury too but I don't draw him enough because I could never really pin down a design for him so he looks different every time I draw him. To be fair, everyone else does too but not TOO MUCH. They just get buffer and their dicks won't stay the same size.

Someone asked the story behind Mercury. He was just something I doodled on a whim once when I did some characters based on planets/gods. Can you guess his? That's where the caduceus tattoos come from. But he's gonna find new life in my next (sfw and definitely really happening someday I promise) comic. Along with nearly every other OC I draw here because I'm too lazy to design new ones. That's why I don't draw a lot of them together. They'll all probably look a little different when they show up. But hopefully someday.




One of my favs, I like the Roman God relation. Maybe with a pudgy satyr


As a fairly new fan I like hearing the stories behind the characters.


Hand!! Some!!!

Chantekwtli Epyollohtli

I'd love to hear the stories behind the older or less known characters :3


I'm new here and just stumbled across your patreon, so I have literally no idea who any of these beautiful characters are. Where can I read more about them?


They mostly just exist as they are right now. Eventually most of them will show up in a SFW comic.


nice dick