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Whats up whats up whats up whats up whats up whats up, some interesting ends and beginnings are starting to emerge in my stories, here's just a quick update so no one can sue me for being non-communicative in the future

Harry Evans: is quickly approaching the end of Year 2, retrospective on the whole thing? Definitely much more of a banger than Year 1, mostly because Harry's increasing skills means he can get involved in stupider and stupider situations without him needing plot armor to get out of it. The next arc is, as should be completely expected, the U17 international dueling tournament occurring this summer. I'll spoil the location actually, it's going to happen in Vienna! Yay, one of my favorite cities in Europe, lived there for a year, would recommend. If it only wasn't for the Viennese :/. Regardless, after that, when we will have probably reached 200k words, we will finally start on one of the canon books "Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone," although its up in the air if the stone will be at Hogwarts, if Quirrell will be possessed by Voldemort, and if Harry will finally stop being a twat and show his friends the room of requirement.

Rattata: I have recently managed to plot out the rest of Joey's formative year as a youngster based on Saffron. I am officially announcing that the year is half-over at the Surge gym-battle. I think by the end of it we will have a well-developed character with a wide array of connections to make the follow-up journey interesting and the Indigo Conference at the end exciting due to the slow-build up of stakes and rivalries. Of course, its up in the air if Joey will be qualified to compete in the Conference considering that his incredibly high standards for new team-members might make getting a full team of six impossible.

Video Game cultivator: Next game dropped, don't spoiler in the comments for those who are free patrons. Nuff said. Will include a youtube documentary link about the plot-line at the start of the next chapter for those who haven't played the game I picked.

Harry Evans summoned by the order poll winner: This one has been giving me a lot of thinking emoji moments ever since it won the poll, but I'm confident I've figured out the direction I want this to go. At the same time the first chapter will be self-contained and work as a one-shot, and on the other hand it will serve as a launch pad for further work if needed in the future. That is, if I write it well. Expect it in about, two weeks?

Other: I went skiing last weekend, that was nice. Fog came up so I got to train my eyes-practically-closed-sliding-and-not-dying-technique, would recommend. 10/10.

Told a girl at university today that I was a professional fanfiction author, she looked like someone had spit in her cereal. Jokes on her, I get off on being considered pathetic.

I know you guys are the only one's who'd be impressed or even remotely interested at this factoid in real life, so shout out to you. Mucho Love. If you could tell me where the fuck you usually hang out irl, tell me, only other fanfiction author I've ever met was a female lawyer who wrote Draco/Harry smut I'm honestly not that big of a fan of that pairing.



Come to Denmark and study business at Aarhus University. I work as IT support there, so we could totally hang XD


Wait no fucking way lol. I'm actually coming to Aarhus this summer lmao. I'm doing a roadtrip to visit a friend in Hamburg, and then Aarhus. I'll start the drive by going to Frankfurt sleep over, then Hamburg three days, then Copenhagen in a hotel for two days, then Aarhus for one and then Köln for one and Strassbourg for one on the way back to Zürich. You'll probably be elsewhere in summer vacation then I guess, late August, but maybe. I'd treat you to a coffee and considering danish prices pay back your subscription with that alone.


Lol, how bad was the girls face when you told her.


It was the face of someone who just realized that the person standing across from them was worse than trash. Have to clarify here. Swiss people belong usually in two camps, they are quite polarized. Either they are completely and utterly status driven or they completely and utterly reject these notions. Some swiss women/men thus won't talk to you unless you're studying business, have already a million $ crypto portfolio and have a manager position in a consulting firm lined up through your daddy, where you will work 80 hours a week and try to replace your affection to her by giving her access to 20k a month spending wallet. The other half of people won't talk to you unless you work at a non-profit, live in a shared flat and are extremely vegan.