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Hello, hello. After that weird time that was Christmas I've arrived back in Zürich and have started working through my seminar papers and writing responsibilities. Everything has been going as well as before I left, and I've been pumping out Harry Evans, Rattata and Video Game cultivator chapters at the appropriate pace to satisfy you all just enough that you don't unsub ;). That means, approx four Harry Evans, three rattata, and two video game chapters a month which accumulates into about 30k words a month. Wow, aint I productive.

Do you also want me to upload the seminar paper I wrote about "the picture of dorian gray"? Am also writing on "the monkey wrench gang," and the inclusion of ideological manifestos in narrative fiction.

Anyway, in regards to our regular polls, I've finished writing a short Sabrina interlude of about 1500 words, which means our priority switches back to me creating a first chapter  of a story y'all can vote for.

For this purpose I will once again be taking suggestions. From the last poll I will excise all the first chapter ideas that only got two votes or less, and replacing them with what you guys will write in the comments. I will come up with some ideas myself, and then in a week or two we will once again vote. 

Great Teacher Iruka (5k words) was a bit polarizing, some people liked it, some hated it, let's see what we can come up with this time.

As a reminder, your idea can be anything. Original, short story, etc.



Hello mate o/ I am enjoying your writing very much with what you currently have on offer but I just wanted to give a heads up to be careful of burnout and putting too much pressure on yourself. Ideas and inspiration are not always consistent and trying to force it will only diminish the results and both your enjoyment in the writing process and likely our enjoyment of the content as well. My only suggestions would be to give yourself some leeway in regard to number of chapters and word count or maybe plan ahead by outlining plots and noting down ideas for the future whenever you get a good one so you always have something on hand to refer to or inspire you. Other than that I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your writing and sharing it with us :)


suggestion: worldhopper with quests, annoying superpoer,and a bit of metaprogression


dude,or dutette,or dudwhatever is living through magicapocalypse, cant help,wants to help prays and says i would do anything. Two robs ( or whatever) pick him up and want him to settle a bet. Is " bad" magic incapable of helping a world? so they send him to a setting and give a quest to help. they give him massive talent in magic and highest potential in the setting. But: He can only use magic considered evil by most sapiens in the setting. No other magic. Also, he has to find a way to learn the magic first. Also Also he doesnt keep the magic after a jump Also Also Also he does not know the language,looks like himself,is not immune to illnes( but carries non over) ,and is not expirienced in this. Every quest he solves his home gets reinforced by a legion of demons and he gets a boon, like knowing the language , being immune to illness,minor chapeshift. If he suceeds enough to defeat his earths magic apocalypse through the demon legions, he wins and gets to go home with all the magic he wants. if his home is destroyed he loses. Every setting can be as long as he wants but only one mlnth passes in his home per setting


Would be interested in your papers


Thanks for the concern. 30k is fine for me and I plan ahead. I just can't do anything more than that at the moment, that I know ;) It is a lot honestly, but spreading it out among different stories actually helps me. When I lose motivation for one I just switch


You'd be the first... For the picture of Dorian gray I get the grade next week. Then I could maybe upload it. Disclaimer: If its a failing grade I'll probably be too salty to upload it, lmao


have been sitting on this for a while. There is also meta meta progression as the mc learns to survive,fight,lie,manipulate and be creative. I want to write it, but can never bring myself to start.


monkey wrenched? dont know the term. if its about people prioritising ideologies in fiction would be interesting. watched a few videos about it , but was all emotional, sourceless opinionpieces. i would enjoy some researched data if you have that.


i would,if i wrote this, have him try to have strong morals,fail hard,say fuck it, and become an undead in his first world, to survive his illness. he cant communicate, seems evil and cant take care of himself, so he just becomes a lich and kills the target of his quest,saving the day, leaving everyone confused gaining a boon and vowing to do better next time. in fact you could him landing in the second setting be the first chapter. less angst, more expirience with magic and fighting. Already can speak the language, and hoping to learn to kill any illness before he dies.


Cliché and done to death, but how about a Worm fic where the Dockworkers Association as a whole gets the Industrial/Celestial Forge?


Alright, sounds interesting actually. Would it be an original or a jumpchain start?

Hemi Rigby-Curtis

Suggestion: Eos Harry Evans gets summoned by cartoonishly evil Dumbledore/ order


I've honestly been thinking about this for a while as a possible spin off series after Harry Evans story concludes. This could be a good pilot project for that.


whatever you want. as long as he is limited to magic that is considered evil and has not many assets to start with