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Hey there, fellow trainers!

We hope you're having a blast with the current game update. We've been thrilled to see your passion and enthusiasm for the game grow with each new release. Now, let's talk about the next update - it's going to be all about Luna!

No, not the moon; we're talking about our beloved ditz, Luna Lovegood. She's getting a lot of attention in the upcoming update, and we look forward to seeing how you'll interact with her in the game. We don't want to over-hype the update, but trust us, it's going to be a treat. We will share more details when the time is right.

Speaking of interaction, we have decided to lend a hand to the modding community, and we've created new Wiki and FAQ pages. These pages serve as both documentation for the project, and as a valuable resource for both modders and players, looking to create their own unique additions or just have their questions answered. We love it when things get steamy with mods! So, if you are a modder, or a player with questions, we want your feedback and assistance in expanding our Wiki and FAQ. Head over to our website, and you'll find both the FAQ and Wiki right on the navigation bar.

In other news, we'll be resuming our developer blog posts starting next week, with the next post scheduled for August 10th. We can hardly wait to share more behind-the-scenes insights with you.

And last but not least, we know you're itching for some sneak peeks. As soon as we have some exciting content to show off, we'll be sure to post some teasers. We wouldn't leave you hanging, after all!

Stay tuned for more and, of course, expect some cheeky surprises along the way. 😉

See you on the flip side!


David Whiteside

I don't know how to access the logs on my tablet


Modding help _and_ Luna? Oh, yes. This is what I've been waiting for.