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Hello fellow degenerates, it is I, Johnny, here to deliver another development blog.

As I'm currently in my writing den, I thought it was a good time to dedicate a post and delve into a topic that's been on my mind for a while - porn games. But first, a little bit about what I've been working on. I don't want to spoil too much, but please be aware that this post contains some small spoilers for current and upcoming content. With that out of the way, let's dive right into it.

Since my previous devblog, I've been working on the lead-up content to the first personal sexual event with Tonks. These events will focus on Genie helping Tonks fulfil her sexual fantasies, and riling her up until she's so horny that she can't keep her hands off him. Since they're both quite dominant, their relationship with each other will be quite unique compared to what you've seen with other girls. Tonks is quite the tease after all, but once edged far enough, you might find yourself discovering a new side of her.

Aside from Tonks writing, while Loafy was working on UI, an idea was brought up to allow the player to use "Gift" items as Genie within the inventory screen. Of course, I'm always up for a bit of silly flavour writing, so here are a couple of examples for when you use the "condom" item on Genie:

  • Example 1:
    gen "(Feels like a condom...)"

  • Example 2:
    gen "(Now isn't this a great fashion statement...)"

  • Example 3:
    gen "(I'm not sure this is what they meant when they tell you to always be prepared...)"

  • Example 4:
    gen "(This feels almost as tight as being trapped in that lamp...)"

  • Example 5:
    gen "(Wait, does it only go over the shaft or the balls as well? Meh... This is way too complicated for me.)"

Now, onto the topic of adult gaming. As many of you may have guessed, I have played a fair share of adult-themed games. While I'd like to claim it's only for inspiration, I'm sure nobody would believe that.

If you delve a bit deeper into adult games, you'll find that, over the years, there's been unique genres surfacing within the adult gaming landscape. One of these genres, and the subject of this segment, is the "Trainer" genre. First, let's clarify what a Trainer game is. The concept is quite vague, but generally, these games involve the player either nurturing and developing a character's naughty side so that they may incrementally be rewarded with more sexually provocative scenes.

The "Trainer" genre have evolved quite a bit since its inception, much like FPS games have evolved since they were all called "Doom clones". One of these evolutions is the integration of story and other gameplay elements, allowing progression outside of sexual relations with the characters. One such example which we've incorporated into Witch Trainer Silver is the inclusion of additional character motivation that isn't directly linked to sexual favours. For Hermione, earning house-points is what drives her narrative forward, so her favours are directly linked to her progression. But for other characters such as Cho, her character motivation isn't as simple as a direct transaction.

This evolution has been quite natural and expected, as focusing exclusively on a character's sexual progression would eventually become repetitive. Nonetheless, what I believe will consistently hold true for the majority of trainer games is that a character's non-sexual desires tend to lose importance as either sexual desires or their lust for another character takes over. While the genre goes hand in hand with genres like corruption, it's more about indicating the player's role in the game, but not necessarily the way you achieve your goals. This is one of the main reasons I enjoy the genre so much, you know what the goal is from the get-go, but not necessarily where the story will take you.

Thanks for reading, and see you in the next devblog,




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