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Kkura's impression of Yunjin cracked me up LOL


Daniel Zhao

I saw your rant about everything that was going on online and I wanted to offer my 2 cents. I only really follow LSF so alot of the stuff happening online is really funny to me. Because a lot of what makes me a fan of LSF is the message that they have, no matter how curated it is. Reality is if the stans that are screaming about live vocals really cared, Build up would be the most popular show on twitter. But they don't actually care about vocals, they just want ammunition to spread hate and that just makes me really uncomfortable.


me, unplugged from the cesspit of Twitter: Wow! the girls are doing so well and everybody loves them :)


Confucianism is a system/religion of social order that is woven into every part of modern Korean society. Respect and obey your elders, do this not that, etc. If you don't use honorifics or talk back to a senior, if you say what's on your mind (and it's not very confucian), that's struggling with confucianism. Foreigner idols seem to have that problem a lot.


I mean the hate train started w perfect night popping off. Then Coachella really pissed the fandoms off. So yeah been seeing alot on Twitter. Them hating on each member for everything. Camping ⛺️ under praise tweets from Fearnots. Now I saw them going to hate kkura on her vocals to trying to bully her to quit le sserafim. When really she is focused on her orders from idols and having fun w her members. I am glad they got a music show grand slam. I hope 🤞 the girls have continued health and safety. I saw 👀 on Twitter that they might have a cb around Q2 so round April- July period. Which is too soon in my opinion. I wish our girls had time to relax for a week to themselves or a month. I’m glad they have excellent managers taking care of them. Thank you for the uploads man ❤️


I was wondering if you are going to react to the behinds that they have been posted