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Hello everyone , these last days my account was kinda "blocked" because patreon indentified that a lot of pictures here was against the guide rules , so i was unable to post anything , to be honest this was pretty predictable , i'm not sure if patreon detected it or someone  reported it , anyway this doesnt matter at the end, so probably the future content will have to be more "normal", but i'm free to hear you guys opinion , if you have a suggestion of content that isnt against the rules or if you guys know another platform to upload the "hardcore" content , would help a lot .

And about the fanart, i really liked the result i never noticed that but Ada seems a bit similar to Mikasa from Attack on titan, i was so occuped trying to getting the account to normal that i coudnt finish the alt versions of her , so i'll upload a update of this fanart in the next days.

ps. Maybe you guys will miss some of the old works since i had to delete it.




Just make a discord server


A Discord server would help to keep us posted if anything happens, plus it'd be a hub for your artwork :D