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Just a goblin enjoying a tasty slimy snack! I'm trying to figure out how Lug's sexual biology/ how his cum would work...Should slimes be asexual (scientifically) and therefore I should come up with something unique for a strange slime seeking out romance/ sex when they have no biological urge to OR Should I take inspo from snails and make him like a hermaphrodite that can be either the female or male role depending on the circumstances? 🤔




To me I'm feeling more so the ace side of things because 1. it's nice to have the representation and 2. it just kinda feels more natural with Lug's character that you've shown thus far. He's only ever engulfed people in him so he's experiencing new things and wants to try even though he never had the urge to before


I think a mixture of both would be interesting! Like slimes are capable of reproducing asexually but do so in a way that the offspring isn’t a clone because they can reproduce with other slimes and make sure the slime gene pool is kept diverse. After all, they could be somewhat solitary creatures but also enjoy companionship with other slimes or even other creatures in some circumstances. Ultimately, I could see Lug just enjoying sex because it’s with Neebs whether he “needs” it or not. I do like the idea of Lug just becoming a puddle upon climax just because that is such a cute mental image where he’s just barely able to form an expression as Neebs is basking in him and they both are catching their breath