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Sometimes I wonder how differently Kree and Clara's story would've gone if they had met as children.
Clara was essentially abandoned by her mother and father as a small girl when they left on a trip to the southern continent without her and made her stay with her Aunt Ava. Since then they had never been in contact and Adult Clara still doesn't know if they somehow died early on during their journey or if they made the choice to give her up and live a new life far away from her. Even Aunt Ava is unsure due to knowing her younger brother's flighty nature.
Around the time Clara gives up hope of them ever returning Kree would've lost his own parents to widespread forest fires started by southern hunters. He would've held some resentment towards humans like many harpies did after this, but he's intelligent enough to know that a human child is incapable of such acts, at least until they grow up.
If they had been able to meet, to comfort each other for their loss earlier in their lives, both probably would've become much more confident, secure people. Ironically I think they wouldn't have ended up together romantically since Clara would have gained the courage to run away with her lady love Rosie as a teen and Kree might've been able to make a stronger impression on another harpy because of his strengthened social abilities/ confidence.
I don't necessarily think this could be considered a "better" outcome since the love they find together in the real timeline heals them both over time, but its definitely a comforting one.




Ahhhh they’re so cute 🥹