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I hope you are all doing well! There have been a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff happening with my planning of the comic so I have not been posting as much but I promise there is lots of stuff to come! I'm so excited to show you guys Clara's house as well as different characters from her village who will make an appearance in her and Kree's lives. I also want to show some spotlight on Laurel and her future relationships with lesbian lovers. Today I'm feeling quite fatigued but I hope to get over the sickness as soon as possible for y'all. 🥰




Love that 😂❤️


You do what’s right for your body and rest when you need, love. We’re not going anywhere ❤️


yay am so looking forward for the comic! also kree looks so cute here 🥺


I can't wait to see everything!!! It's so awesome seeing this come together. I hope you take all the time you need to heal, you always come first!!


Take all the time you need :) I’m patiently waiting and looking forward to what your mind cooks up next


I imagined Clara in a room hearing "KREEE" and is like "Um. What?"