Asking You - Chapter 5 Part 16 (SPOILER) (Patreon)
HEY HUNS! How are yall doing ;v;?! I hope well!
We're reaching the end of the month already and OMG I've been behind schedule TT! My mom went through a minor surgery this week so I'm taking some time to help around and all that good stuff, so I've been a little slow on producing things.
Here's a little spoiler for the next episode though! As I've said, this is not going to be a smooth ride from beginning to end since I want to portray the more realistic parts of smex //v//~
I'm only making available for download the strip with the thumbnails since this sketches will be part of next month's package! And I'll delete this post once I have the full episode completed uvu!
Love you all and thank you as always for the support ;v;! I'm now gonna go through the comments on Tapas to see which ideas they picked for a set of special illustrations so wish me luck!