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  • Dva_#4 Final (Volkor MissMoonified).mp4
  • Dva_#4 Final_60 (Volkor MissMoonified).mp4




30 FPS: https://files.catbox.moe/3svgvs.mp4

60 FPS: https://files.catbox.moe/y0mtll.mp4

Mirror for alternate encoding with audio:

30 FPS: https://files.catbox.moe/aqrzup.mp4 

60 FPS: https://files.catbox.moe/xqlghd.mp4 

60 FPS Full archive: https://mega.nz/folder/4oA0TDiY#tHut-SreJwDs6iSOKXm6Zg

So originally I was gonna wait until I reached a certain goal to commission audio to my animations but as I'm getting rid of a few personal expenses in the coming months, and the fact that I'm putting in a lot of work on them by now, I want to get the best possible result.

And so I've partnered which Volkor to get audio work done starting with the Dva animation from just now and for my future works! The VA for this one is also by MissMoonified.

This is all thanks to you guys, people have asked for audio for a while now but it's not really something I know much of, plus I've got enough on my plate to learn. 

Frankly pretty much all of the income I get from here I either save, put it towards better parts so I can work and render faster or courses and such so I can hone my skills. 

That is it, hope you like what you see (and now hear), thank you all <3



Anyone else have issues with the audio in these two files? I downloaded both and neither had sound.


Could it be your player maybe? Though I added the audio track in a bit of an unorthodox method, I found a better way and updated the files on the mega archive, the patreon attachment and here's the updated catbox mirrors: 30 fps https://files.catbox.moe/aqrzup.mp4 60 fps https://files.catbox.moe/xqlghd.mp4 It's fine here in my end, hope those work for you!