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Hey Gamers,

Download link: https://pocketsweeties.itch.io/pocketsweeties-v125-patreon/patreon-access

(When installing the apk. Please delete the old one)

We wanted to wish you all happy holidays and an awesome new year:3🎉🎉
Before we end the year I wanted to upload a small update for you all. It's nothing mayor but is needed for the Twilight Imp scene we are working on.

Here is a list of all the changes

-Updated the titlscreen with some christmas flare.
-Fixed the broken resolution on the windows version of the game
-Added cum counters to each girl so you can see how much you nutted in them
-Added a save system for each scene.

The save system took some time to make but is def needed for the Twilight Imp scene. You are able to collect money in that scene. And it would suck if you lost all your progress if you closed the game.

Progress on the Twilight Imp scene is going well. As mentioned in last weeks devlog. We showed you all the cool stuff and now are fully busy setting up the rigs and buy system for the scene. We were not able to make enough stuff to make a full devlog this week (partially because of christmas. But I think a lot of us are busy at the moment haha).

Some of you might be wondering about the poll results from last week. It's interesting to see how divided everyone is. I've talked to a lot of you and I def agree that certain scenes do not have the same quality as the Goat Mommy one for example. We do want to fix this. One of the ways is to atleast add dialogue options to first 2 scenes. I'm going to discuss with AP what we will do with our 5th scene.

The poll is pretty much split 50/50 so we want to think of a way to make everyone happy.  I'm aware this is not always possible. But we still want to try:3 A lot of you joined us because of the Goat Mommy and Thicc The Bat scene. And it would be pretty nice to have a fucking scene for Goat Mommy. But a whole new fucking scene for Thicc The Bat would also be nice.

I'm hoping to show you all some nice animations next week though. Thank you all for your patience and support. It's been an awesome few months seeing this project grow:3

Kind regards KeeBee and AP


Patreon access for PocketSweeties v1.2.5 Patreon Release



Sound like great changes! Happy holidays all!


Is there an alt link? It says im not pledged even tho i am


send you a message. itch.io is sometimes dumb with a new release. and aparantly it takes a few days before this error magically goes away


Its also not letting me download


the link to download the game does not work


Hey, can I get access to the discord? My Memeseller account was hacked