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i came up with this sketch a while back and i would really like to finish it so there will be no other options this month :P leave your suggestions for the characters down in the comments, i'll pick several and will make a new poll in a couple of days.

I understand that the obvious suggestion for this one would be Emma Frost as a central character, but I'm really curious to see what else you guys can suggest and I'll do my best to pick more interesting and unusual options 




tendi, mariner, and t’lyn from star trek: lower decks?

Robin Quinn

Storm in the middle with Jean and Emma

Alex Geo

I agree that Emma Frost being the centered character is a obvious choice ... but it's obvious for a reason, this piece would be a great fit for her. I'd go with Kitty and Illyana next to her.


Triplicate Girl from Legion of Super Heroes


Android 21 in the middle with Bulma and Towa (from DB Xenoverse) on the sides


I’m incredibly late to the party here, but a trifecta of women from Cowboy Bebop would be the bee’s knees. Faye, Julia, and Electra or Faye, Julia, and Judy